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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Random Rumblings....

Hey there... been back for a couple of days now. I gotta say, I love New York (somebody should use that as a slogan), but the heat was just unbearable. Got to stay in one of my favorite hotels anywhere -- The Drake Swissotel on Park Avenue. Did the Times Square thing, toured around midtown, some shopping, etc. and generally had a blast with my little one.

Sounds like I missed one helluva PPV on Sunday... but I probably would have been bitter about it anyways because I predicted so many of the matches wrong. I DID, however, watch Raw last night, and it was done quite well. And as anyone in the OO chat room can attest to, I called Hogan as the third partner a good hour before anyone else!

Still on wrestling, I picked up a few DVD's I'd never seen before: A best of Booker T (from back in his GWF years), some random collection of old-school 80's and 90's stuff and a documentary called "Backyard Criminals". I have a few DVD reviews on backlog (including a Road Warriors one I sent to The Rick about a week ago), but I'm sure I'll eventually get to some of these too.

And finally.... I feel like Randy Orton with his RNN updates, but the Letters From A Nut Book is now DEFINITELY 90 percent finished. Just a bit of typesetting stuff and a few illustrations to nail down... but we're now at the 120 page mark or so. Keep watching this space for further shilling in the future, but I cannot BELIEVE just how many emails I have now that they're all in one document.

That's about it from here - a pretty cool ITR coming out for Thursday. Stay tuned!


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Matt said...

So how much is this LFAN book gonna cost me?


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