eXTReMe Tracker Canadian BullBLOG: Latest ITR

Friday, October 08, 2004

Latest ITR

A lot of people have said a lot of things about Poetry Enthusiast Jon Heidenreich lately. Some have railed against him because he clearly sucks. Others were not fans of the final car-crash skit at last weekend's No Mercy PPV. But it takes a singular intellect to isolate the REAL problem with Heidenreich: that by attacking the Undertaker, he's just flat-out barking up the wrong tree. Our very own Canadian Bulldog has broken down the situation, and has come up with a few important words of advice to Heidenreich, which he proudly presents IN VERSE (along with tons of other EXCLUSIVE~! goodness) in the new Inside The Ropes

ITR (Online Onslaught)


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