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Monday, February 14, 2005

New DVD Ideas for WWE

I did this about a year ago and with the notable exception of Jericho, WWE has definitely answered my DVD wishlist. Watching the better-than-expected RVD disc last week got me thinking of some ideas:

Chris Jericho: I am SHOCKED that they haven't done something like this yet. Surely, if John Cena and Rob Van Dam can get DVD's going, then Y2J is overdue. I don't enough of his ECW work to make any suggestions, but from WCW you could do matches against Syxx, Rey Mysterio (I'd like to see the one where he gets unmasked, but I doubt WWE would allow it), Juventud Guerrera (same thing), Dean Malenko, Saturn, etc. Then from WWF/WWE, as I mentioned last year: the Last Man Standing match with Triple H, any number of matches with Benoit and Angle, his match against Hogan and the TLC matches where he teamed with Benoit and then Christian. Add to that his ladder match with Christian from 2004, some Fozzy footage and his introductory WWF promo, and you've got a surefire winner.

Kurt Angle: Sure, he had a commercial videotape several years back, but that was really before his star took off. Although they're be a wholllllle lotta blurring going on (due to Kurt's debut during the WWF attitude era), it would still be worth it. Just a few suggestions off the top of my head: his triple threat match with Jericho and Benoit at WrestleMania; the Royal Rumble match against Triple H; virtually ANYTHING from his 2001 run with Stone Cold Steve Austin; something with Chris Benoit that isn't the 2003 Royal Rumble match (because that's already on Benoit's DVD); his SummerSlam match against Rey Mysterio; his PPV win over Hogan... the list goes on and on. Throw in an hour or two of old Confidential vignettes, a handful of goofy backstage skits (or pre-match promos in the ring) and there you go.

The Big Show: While this concept would have been laughed out the door a year ago (and may still now), I think it's time to strike while the iron is hot. From WCW you could use the Hallowe'en Havoc match with Hogan (although... leave off the monster truck stuff, please); perhaps his title-winning bout against Ric Flair; the botched power-bomb match with Nash and perhaps something with Sting. Then from WWE, you could use the triple threat match from Survivor Series (where he wins the belt against Rock and Triple H); his match as "Showster" against Kurt Angle (I think that was Fully Loaded?); one or two of his Brock Lesnar matches over the years and the Angle match from last year. You have tons of ready-made extra vignettes (granted; they all make Show look like an idiot, from the Boss Man angle to last year's scaffold nonsense), et cetera. In any event, I think such a release is long overdue.

Ultimate Ric Flair Collection, Volume Two: Why the hell not? You're telling me there isn't enough A-level footage to fill a few more discs? And the earlier version was, what, the third best selling DVD they've ever had? It's not one that's long overdue or anything, but would definitely sell a few copies...

The Best of Randy Orton: Just kidding.


At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny ITR says that the Jericho DVD needs to have the Malenko feud, complete with "the man of 1004 holds" armbarifffic promo.

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Trevor said...

i would want an easter egg where they show all of his goldberg promos from the original "feud" in wcw


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