eXTReMe Tracker Canadian BullBLOG: The Reviews Are In!

Friday, August 05, 2005

The Reviews Are In!

Okay... technically, just one review, so... The Review Is In! Also, it's more like an e-mailed comment than a review, but now I'm just starting to get dangerously off-topic:

Bulldog, Just got your book in the mail today and I can't stop laughing my ass off! This is the funniest book ever! EVER! Cartoons rock. You should be nominated for an award. Keep up the good work.


See? See? SEE? For some reason, many of you (or at least my average of 14 unique visitors a day) are hesitant to pick up "Thanks for the compliment! Canadian Bulldog's Nuttiest Letters Ever! EVER!!!" That's the only way I can account for the... shall we say.... disappointing sales thus far... hint hint.....

So now you people have a real live voice (whom I just realized, I could just totally be fabricating... but I'm not!) telling it like it is. Folks, I ain't too proud to beg, at least for something I believe in. This is a quality product. Get the book! Today! Then tell two friends, and they'll two friends, etc.

Oh, and Jay.... Thanks for the compliment!!!


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