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Monday, January 19, 2004

Uncovering old backyard... er basement wrestling tapes

So as part of getting ready for the big move, I have to break in to my apartment's storage unit in the basement of our building. Of course, I forgot the lock combo, so I enlist the help of my brother (who has a pair of bolt cutters) and my three-year-old son (who was curious) and into the basement we go.

Uncover a lot of cool wrestling-related stuff: a set of `Wrestling Stars' trading cards, which are pretty much the impetus for creating ITR, some 15-odd years earlier; some obscure videotapes which I'll have to take a look through later; pictures of me interviewing The Undertaker, Owen Hart and Jason Sensation... but what I couldn't find was the one videotape I was looking for.

You see, I started a kind-of backyard fed with two other people, oh we're talking at least 15 years ago and probably earlier than that. At one point, I consolidated a lot of the video footage into a `best of' tape. I was SURE this thing was well-hidden in my storage space somewhere. But no such luck.

So after my son is put to bed, my brother and I travel to my folks place and what do we find -- no, not the best of tape, but three of our fed's classic Pay-Per-Views. After reviewing them, I'm convinced that anybody who would have ever paid for this would be certifiably insane.

I'm surprised at how well the angles I wrote still hold up today, but the wrestling is (obviously) horrible, the filming awful and some of the gimmicks are downright offensive. Among them -- an evil Nazi, a corrupt Alabama cop, stereotypical Japanese, Puerto Rican and Native American wrestlers, and at least three or four `crazy' characters.

Anyways, it was f'ing hilarious to sit back and watch the nostalgia. But the tape would be purely awful for anyone but the three of us in it.



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