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Monday, April 18, 2005

Movie Review - Sin City

Caught this one last night and I was quite impressed. Unfortunately, I caught it too late in the evening for my liking (didn't realize how long it was, so I didn't end up leaving the theater till almost 1 a.m.) and the fatigue definitely took away from my enjoyment a little.

I'd never heard of the Sin City graphic novel series until this film, and I haven't picked up a comic book in probably 20 years (the last one I remember buying was the Marvel 4-issue special edition of The A-Team; oh, wait, I did buy the WCW comic years later, but more as a joke). That said, this film plays out exactly as a comic book might - the cliched dialog, the visuals, the action, even the camera angles and jumpy changes from scene-to-scene. That was easily the best part of the film for me - I've never seen such a flawless transition from comic book to big screen, all of those superhero films included.

Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis do outstanding jobs with their characters, the rest are kind of cartoonish (with is absolutely fine for a movie like this one, just pointing it out). The story is a bit hard-to-follow in that they're going for a Pulp Fiction out-of-sequence thing, which you only fully appreciate by the end.

Still, I'd definitely recommend this one, if only just for the cinematography and overall concept. A fun night, if not a big on the lengthy side.


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