eXTReMe Tracker Canadian BullBLOG: Other wrestling things I've bought recently.....

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Other wrestling things I've bought recently.....

Even though I haven't posted these to the ol' BullBLOG in a while, doesn't mean I haven't been making WWE rich lately. In addition to the (admittedly pirated) Bash DVD, here's what I've bought in the last month or so:

-- Controversy Creates Cash by Eric Bischoff. Looking VERY forward to reading this one, even if Bisch has to take it easy on Vinnie Mac. I've always respected this guy's wrestling mind, and I'm sure he'll have some good answers for his many critics.

-- Brian Pillman: Loose Cannon. I've seen the biography portion, and it's another bang-up job by WWE. I still have yet to see many of the matches, but I'd seen some of them previously and know they'll be a fun watch.

-- WrestleMania 22. I don't know WHY I bought this, other than I have all the other mania DVD's going back to WM2000 (I haven't bothered with the repackaged ones yet; they're still far too expensive). Sure, there were some decent matches that I'll want to watch again, but damn, I still haven't watched WM 20 and 21, and I bought those right around their release dates.

-- History of the WWE Championship. Okay, this one was a birthday gift, otherwise I would've been way past my DVD budget this month. Again, I haven't watched the whole way through. It's an interesting concept (and I HAVE been waiting a while to get a DVD copy of Hogan - Bundy from WM2) but there are so many missed storylines and skipped history that it's not worth the effort. Great matches from what I've seen/remembered, but the presentation is a little lacking.

-- The Marine. I wish I could say SOMETHING nice about this film, but... really, I went to see because John Cena was in it. There weren't any redeeming values. It didn't even fit into the rare category of "so bad it's good," which would have been fine.

Okay, one funny story about The Marine: My brother and I walked into the theater on Sunday night and there was only one other person there at the time, a woman who looked to be in her mid-40's. She called over to us "Wrestling fans, huh?" We owned up and we had a nice little conversation for the 15 minutes or so before the film started (maybe three or four others came in). She explained to us that she was being "dragged" to this film, by her son. Only... um, her son never showed up. She just sat there the whole time by herself. It was weird.


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wrestling fans, huh?"

Why would she assume that? You could be connoisseurs of shitty action movies. Were you guys all decked out in your John Cena merch? Bringin' the bling like a proud Chain Gang Soldier should? Please tell me you were, because THAT would have been awesome.

Side note: You know what? I just IMDB'd "The Marine", and finally figured out that the chick in it WASN'T former American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson. It's Kelly CARLSON. Shows how much I've been paying attention to wrestling lately.

Second side note: Vince McMahon owns your ass.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Bulldog said...

I think she was basing that on the fact that NO ONE else was in the theatre. It was a safe assumption. But yeah, I did leave my normal moviegoing outfit of a spinning title belt, nWo T-shirt and Buff Bagwell top hat at home.

And yes, I know about Vince owning said ass. At least I don't have to kiss his, that's all I'm saying...


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