eXTReMe Tracker Canadian BullBLOG: Latest ITR

Friday, May 04, 2007

Latest ITR

At the Movies...
Why does Ol' Stone Cold look all pissed off? It could be that his movie was savaged by critics (although for some of the most pitiably self-righteous reasons), and raked in an abysmal $4 million last weekend. In terms of Box Office Receipts, that means that Steve Austin has just jobbed to both John Cena and Kane. D'oh. But luckily, we're gearing up for Summer Blockbuster season, and the Canadian Bulldog is here with the inside scOOp on a few other wrestlers who should hit box office gold in the coming months. As is the case with most of the Bulldog's highly reliable investigative work, some of the details may surprise you! Check out his very latest Inside the Ropes.



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