Why, Bulldog, Why?
To answer the two questions I've been asked, oh, at least a dozen times since yesterday's column hit: NO, this is not a work (though I have said that before and look what happened). And it has absolutely nothing to do with any "falling out" with Online Onslaught or Rick Scaia. So here's the deal...
I've been writing Inside The Ropes for four years, and it just got to the point where, largely, it wasn't fun anymore.
At the beginning, I could sit in front of the computer for half an hour and bang out ITR rather effortlessly ("that's what she said" -- sorry, had to say it). As I added more features and "matured" the column slightly, it took a bit longer to complete, but was always a lot of fun to work on. I don't mind spending time on something if, in the end, it still makes me chuckle.
Then in the last year, things became different. Part of it was the WWI gig, no doubt. Another part of it was keeping busier in general, with more of a social life and my day job has become more demanding. But even when those distractions weren't there, writing up ITR was no longer fun -- it became almost a burden.
I would sit at the computer screen for literally an hour, picking at the tiniest of ideas and then scrapping it, or doing a complete re-write. And in the run-up to WrestleMania -- which is usually my favorite time to write ITR-related columns -- I just wasn't feeling it. I decided that I had to cut either OO or WWI out for the time being, and I still have a lot more ideas for "Breaking News"/"True Wrestling Stories". ITR was becoming largely just a re-hash of things I'd already done.
I'm glad to say that, unlike WWE, Online Onslaught really DOES wish me the best in future endeavours, and that my exit was treated with the utmost respect. I told Rick just a few weeks ago that if I could think of another project -- one that doesn't take up ridiculous amounts of time on a regular basis -- I'd still love to contribute to his site. But that doesn't seem to be in the cards right now.
So "Canadian Bulldog" lives; he's just going to a lighter schedule (I ALMOST made an analogy of going from WWE to TNA, but I don't want to diss WWI like that).
Having said all that, I really appreciate everyone's feedback and comments, and of course, thank you all for reading. Inside The Ropes had a great run, and I'm happy it lasted as long as it did.
Labels: Columns, Hype, Miscellaneous
I'm glad to hear that you may be planning on doing something again. I'll just have to wait, I guess!
The Office season finale is on tonight for an hour long special. I don't know if you care, but I just thought to remind you.
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