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Friday, February 06, 2004

Curb Your Enthusiasm
Where the HELL has this show been all my life? Or at least during the last few years it's been on the air?
I had heard a few scattered things about the show every once in a while, but nothing like 'you have to see this' etc. Plus, the only station that apparently shows it in Canada is one I don't subscribe to.
So on a whim the other day, I rented the DVD of season one. Let me tell you -- I was BLOWN AWAY by how dark and funny it is.
I don't know how Larry David did it, but he managed to create a show that is actually more entertaining than Seinfeld, and on the surface, it appears to only have a fraction of the effort put into it.
So now I just need to know: how can I get ahold of the other seasons, apart from waiting for them to be released on DVD?


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