eXTReMe Tracker Canadian BullBLOG: Wow!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Just checked the monthly site stats today and I'm truly impressed. There were more than 700 unique visitors to this little ol' BullBLOG last month (Though, yes, I'm sure, many people just happen to check the site once a day and then there's of course the multimillion dollar "You have a great blog and I will bookmark it for sure. Check out my cow-milking blog when you get a chance" industry). But that's definitely the highest month for visits ever.


Oh, and I also noticed a staggering 320-odds replies to my poll from a few weeks ago. A new one is up now in anticipation of Matt Hocking's guest spot on ITR (which I'm assuming will be up on OO later tonight).

In any event, thanks much for reading/voting, and hopefully, I will have some more interesting material up here in the weeks and months to come.


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, that is so cool! But I bet you don't know about law of attraction!


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