eXTReMe Tracker Canadian BullBLOG: Latest ITR

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Latest ITR

Bi. Lingual, That Is.

You know how it is with those filthy Canucks: a lot of them swing both ways. Speaking English *and* French, I mean. OO's Own Canadian Bulldog is no different, and is, as it turns out, every ounce as Bi as Orlando Jordan. [What do you mean, Orlando doesn't speak French? Then what the hell is up with all these rumors I'm hearing about him?] In any case, the Bilingual Bulldog is unveiling this new skill of his just in time to declare his candidacy for upcoming elections. That's right, Bulldog wants to be the next Governor of North Michigan! Er, rather: the next Prime Minister of Canada! Get caught up on Bulldog's platform AND some exclusive wrestling news in the very special Quebecois-placating, bilingual edition of Inside the Ropes.



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