Presidential Debate
Did I just hear Dubya say "We cannot send mexed missages..." Did he actually (attempt) to say that?
Snarky comments from the columnist behind Inside The Ropes, True Wrestling Stories, Breaking News and Wrestling With Literature.
Did I just hear Dubya say "We cannot send mexed missages..." Did he actually (attempt) to say that?
Contemplating wrestling deaths can be kind of a downer... but Baby Killer (and Future Dead Man) Gene Snitsky almost makes it fun. Sure he popped Lita's bun out of the oven about six months early. But how can you stay mad at a guy named "Snitsky"? Kane and Lita's baby MIGHT have gone to Wrestling Heaven, except the couple were clearly Devout Catholics (opposed to birth control, at least), and we all know dogma dictates that Kane's unbaptized son can only go to Wrestling Limbo. Still, that hasn't stopped the Canadian Bulldog from collecting an EXCLUSIVE~! Transcript from some of the other denizen of Wrestling Heaven (and more!) in an all new Inside the Ropes.
Wow... it's been a while since I've done this, much less blogged at all, so I'm gonna try and tackle a few things I've seen/read in the last little while.
Labels: Reviews
You know what? OO might have gotten it wrong yesterday... even the best of us get duped sometimes, so today, you really oughta check out the Canadian Bulldog's always-exclusive, always-insider details on what REALLY went down at SD! tapings this week!
Wow.... unlike a lot of the deaths of the past year and a half, this one seemed to come out of nowhere. Didn't seem to associate Big Boss Man in the same class of drug users as Hercules, Hawk and so on. And hopefully, that's not even the case at all. From everything I had read about it, he seemed to be a good family man, active in his community and charity work (wasn't he the guy who started off the WWE auctions? I think he was.)
Check this one out, and tell me you can honestly clear more than a couple of levels without doing it all reallllly slowly....
Has anyone picked this up yet?
The Canadian Bulldog is ALWAYS a repository of exclusive, insider news. But this week is a rare treat, as the D-O-G digs deep into his Wrestling Databanks to pull up some of the most fascinating wrestling trivia, past and present. Some of the intriguing tidbits include: a history lesson about the WWWWWWWWF Era's Longest Reigning Champion, the truth about the Youngest Ever Champion, a surprising revelation of wrestling's Littlest Champion, and the escalation of smack talk in a snarky little catfight to see who will win the OO's Funniest Man Title. If you didn't know these things, well then, your ass better read Inside the Ropes.
My trusty (and very generous) apprentice Johnny ITR was kind enough to send me something for my b-day off my Amazon Wish List. He got me Skipping Christmas, the very last book missing from my John Grisham collection (and, as I understand it, it's been made into a movie as well). I've already starting reading it, and it's incredible.
Looks like I've been given an additional two (2) Gmail invites today. First two people to email me at get 'em. No questions asked....
So check this out. Over on the Online Onslaught message board, we're planning a "pay-per-view" featuring various posters. I got in on the action early, challenging Raw Satire columnist Matt Hocking to a "match", putting the services of Johnny ITR on the line for 30 days vs. His Darline Stacy (doesn't seem like a fair tradeoff, but hey, he accepted.)
So I officially turned 31 yesterday (as opposed to unofficially, I guess). For the first time in a LONG time, I'm actually feeling my age, as if the one-day difference aged me considerably.
I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out.... looks like something a three year old could have made
DDP and Stone Cold are hard at work, WWE's got a PPV coming up, and Bulldog's got ALL the exclusive dirt for you!
So I recently cleaned out my closet and noticed I have approximately 3,000,000 business shirts/suits/jackets/pants, etc. (perhaps a slight exaggeration) that I never wear to work. Not because I don't like them or they don't fit, I just don't know how to properly match them together.
The Canadian Bulldog is On Assigment,so he has supplied us with this insightful look at Hulkamania and Poffonomics, courtesy of his 1985 archives!